
Monday, December 17, 2012


We appreciate your prayers this week.

  • Isaac and I leave on Wednesday to spend Christmas in the States. Please pray for safe travels, a calm mama, and a happy baby while traveling. My mom is meeting us in Ft. Lauderdale, so I only have to do the first leg by myself. Even with my mom meeting us, I am really nervous about traveling with Isaac by myself. 
  • Pray for Arold as he spends the next two weeks by himself. And pray for me and Isaac. It's never easy to be apart. 
  • Praise the Lord for our safety while driving the streets of Petionville and Port au Prince. The traffic is scary and we had a close call today with a motorcycle. We're so thankful for God's protection!
  • The youth in Gramothe are hosting a week of prayer. They asked Arold to preach tonight. Praise God for these young people who are growing in their faith and leadership skills.
  • Please pray for the administrators and teachers at the school as they wrap up report cards for the first semester. It sounds like there will be some changes in staff after the new year, so we appreciate your prayers for the right people to be hired and that the transition goes smoothly for the students and staff.

1 comment:

  1. Will be praying for you as you travel. You can do it! I traveled alone with Natalie for the first time when she was 2 months old - flew from Chicago out to Seattle. At that age it is pretty easy because they are not mobile yet :-) You will do a great job!
