
Thursday, January 10, 2013

The New Year

I wanted to write a nice post wrapping up 2012 and looking forward to 2013, but here it is January 10th (happy b-day Mandy) and I've got nothing written... or even thought out. So will Isaac sleeps in my lap, I'll slowly peck out some thoughts.

The year 2012 was a year of watching and waiting for God's faithfulness. We were newlyweds learning what it means to be married and merge two lives into one. We became parents. We watched our bank account closely and saw God provide for our needs time and time again. We were blessed with new supporters, consistent renters, a property management company that rocks, and new opportunities for ministry. God was faithful to his promises to never leave us and to provide what we needed.

As we look to 2013, we know that God's faithfulness will continue to be a theme in our lives. I' also looking forward to a new theme. I just don't know what it will be yet.

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