
Friday, March 9, 2012


I haven't blogged much lately. I'm sorry about that. I know some of you are very faithful readers. It's not that I don't have things to say. It's just that I've been grumpy lately and you really don't want to hear all my complaints. So instead I'll leave you with some pictures, and I hope I'll have more positive thoughts to share soon. ;)

Someone brought aprons and goody bags for the cafeteria ladies. They LOVED them!! They were so excited about the aprons and other goodies they were dancing. :)

Table with a view! The kids had outside dining for a few days while the cafeteria was tiled. It looks great now that the floor can be mopped and thoroughly cleaned each day.

My husband visited my 10th grade class one week to snap some pictures.

Karen and Desiree worked on a mural in the principal's office for the week they were here. I don't have a picture of the final product yet, but it's awesome! That's God's hand reaching down to the kids, and they eventually put the words Dream Big (in French of course) in the clouds near the top.

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