
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Student Writing: Friends

Haitian culture is often more blunt than mainstream American culture. It still takes me off guard sometimes when the kids just say someone is "fat" (not overweight or on the big side). Here's another sample of some writing from one of the 10th grade students at MTM's school in Gramothe. I laughed out loud at some of Ghrismene's descriptions of her friends. I wonder what she'd say about me!


  1. Thanks for the chuckle :)
    I can't help but wonder how long these girls would be her friends if they were Americans :)

    By the way, aren't they all black?? Hmm, cultural differences of opinion sure are interesting.

  2. I also thought it was funny that only one of the friends was described as black! YES, they are all black, but they have various shades of skin. I'm curious to know if she let any of the other girls proof read her work before turning it in.
