
Monday, July 25, 2011

Support Update

This has been a very encouraging week.

  1. I received an e-mail that a couple wants to donate $1000 to my ministry in Haiti.
  2. I am tentatively scheduled to share at my parents' church on Aug. 21st. Once it's confirmed I'll share more details.
  3. Some friends e-mailed me yesterday to say they are going to partner with me for $100/month, which is totally awesome. But it's even better: they want to bless Arold and me with more talk time while I'm here in the States. I sent the "how to" email a couple of hours and go and they've already sent some minutes to Arold's phone.
Such sweet blessings.

1 comment:

  1. I love hearing these stories!!! It is so encouraging to hear stories of how God provides. The support is our there!
