
Friday, May 27, 2011

Soles 4 Souls

An organization called Soles 4 Souls recently visited Gramothe. Check out their website for a full explanation, but the short version is they give shoes to people who need them. They have been here a couple of other times in the past 12 months, and this trip they brought shoes for our oldest and youngest students. Here are some pictures of the process.

First you get your feet measured.

 Then you wait for your turn.

 Some of my favorite girls.

 Then someone washes your feet and dries them.

 Then you are presented with a pair of shoes that should fit you. If they do fit, then you get to keep them!

 Sometimes your friends help you decide if they "fit". If there are cooler shoes that you can see you'll try to convince the people that shoes they gave you first don't fit and you think those other ones will.

 Here's a picture that contains the whole process. You can see the foot washing, people standing by with shoes, and the kids waiting in the background. Overall it's a really fun thing, and fantastic for the kids because they get a brand new pair of shoes.


  1. sounds awesome! too bad it wasn't TOMs visiting though. you could have met blake and gotten us in touch so i could get things started with my future husband. haha!!! :)
