
Monday, July 27, 2009

Today's Holiday: Take Your Pants for a Walk Day

Today is indeed "Take Your Pants for a Walk Day." I'm not making this up. Check this out if you don't believe me.

Now for the celebrating of this holiday. I'm not sure if you're supposed to simply wear a pair of pants while taking a walk, or celebrate another way. Perhaps you could string all your pants on the same belt and take them all for a walk. Or I suppose you could put all your pants in a stroller or wagon and pull them around the block, but wouldn't that leave the neighbors asking more questions than you really want them to?

Friday, July 17, 2009

Today's Holiday: Ice Cream Cone Day

Since July is National Ice Cream Month, there are plenty of days to celebrate by eating ice cream. There are almost as many ways to eat ice cream as there are days! There are milkshakes, malts, sundaes, and floats. At restaurants you can get frosties, blizzards, and flurries. Or you can eat your ice cream a la mode with pie, cake, apple dumplings, cobbler, funnel cakes, or brownies. But today is all about eating ice cream in cone. American legend claims the ice cream cone made it's debut at the St. Louis World's Fair a little over a century ago, but some would say that's debatable. Today you can get your ice cream in a variety of cones. There are cake cones, sugar cones, and waffle cones. In some places you can order chocolate dipped cones.

Personally, I'd say the ice cream cone is one of the world's greatest inventions, and I wouldn't miss celebrating this holiday if someone paid me!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

While I'm Waiting

I heard this song on the radio the other day and really liked it. It's a good reminder for me, since I've been a little impatient to get to the next phase of life lately.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Today's Holiday: Macaroni Day

July is officially the Anti-Boredom Month. There are many amazing holidays you've probably never heard of coming up. And you won't want to miss today's carb-filled holiday: Macaroni Day!

Always celebrated on July 7th, Macaroni Day is the perfect time to celebrate your favorite pasta. Today's holiday is the perfect excuse to cook an Italian dinner. Unless, of course, your favorite pasta dish is lasagna and you deem the temperature too warm to turn on the oven. Then you may have to settle for spaghetti or a refrigerated pasta salad. Or you could forego eating macaroni today and simply make a craft out of uncooked macaroni. A piece of jewelry or a macaroni picture could be just the project to fight off boredom today!

What's your favorite macaroni?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Today's Holiday: Independence Day

On this day 233 years ago, the Continental Congress formally approved the Declaration of Independence, effectively creating the United States of America. These revolutionaries had been fighting a war against the British for more than a year, but on July 4th, 1776 issued a document outlining their grievances with the King and declaring they were independent of the British Empire. While it took seven years for the British to give up their claim on the this particular piece of the Western Hemisphere, the United States of America still celebrates her Independence on the Fourth of July.

American's celebrate their freedom in a variety of ways, but the most common traditions include spending time with family, cooking out, and setting off fireworks. Some communities organize parades or ceremonies to honor military service men and woman. Personally, my favorite part of this holiday is that nearly every city, and sometimes multiple organizations within the same city, plan firework displays for the general public. How will you celebrate the Fourth of July this year?

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Several weeks ago a friend came to me with an idea. He had this opportunity I could possibly get on board with. Even though he was excited about it, I was a little unsure. This wasn't the type of opportunity I really pictured myself participating in. I wasn't closed off to the idea, I just wasn't convinced it could work in the long run. As I was considering all the possibilities, there were days I thought it was an amazing opportunity and days I thought I should tell him there's no way it would work. Eventually I came to the decision that I probably liked the idea of joining in an opportunity like this one more than this particular opportunity. Shortly after I came to that conclusion, it became clear that the opportunity had passed me by. It was out of my reach, and I was devestated.

Okay. I wasn't actually devestated, but I did mope around the house for a day morning the lost possibility. It was ridiculous really. Why did I get so upset at losing something I decided I didn't actually want? I'll tell you why. It's the same reason a toddler absolutely has to have a toy she hasn't touched in months when another kid shows interest in it. Pure selfishness. And if it's not cute with a toddler, it certainly ain't pretty with a grown woman!