Numero Uno: Yesterday I discovered a bunny in my yard. When Dax finally chased her off, I found that she was sitting on a hole with 6+ newborn bunnies in it. Not thinking Dax would be interested in a bunny snack, I let him out in the yard after school today. My neighbor stopped by to tell me she thinks my dog "got into some bunnies" while he was out this afternoon, so I went to check things out. I could only find two of the babies. Neither of them were in their hole. They both had been moved. One had a scratch on his left shoulder area, but the other was fine. I scooped them up in a bowl and deposited them in the brush on the other side of the alley. I don't think they are going to make it. Their eyes aren't open yet and they don't really have any fur. I put some of the fur from their hole on top of them in hopes that it would keep them warm and help the mom find them again. Numero Dos: My blogging friend Sarah posted a super cute picture of herself and her daughter today as part of a photo game. I don't normally like tagging games online, but I was thinking it would be a fun one to get in on. Then I saw Sarah tagged me! It made my day. :)
I have mixed emotions about this picture. I'm wearing my oldest and favorite sweatshirt because I needed the warmth and comfort today. School's been rough lately. I also like the lighting, even though it does make the walls look like they are lemon yellow instead of a pale yellow.
The rules: Take a picture of yourself RIGHT NOW. No primping or preparing. Snap a picture, load it onto your blog, and tag some friends to play!
I will tag: Kristin H., Kristin G. @ The_GreyK_Wall, Nate @, Nate's wife Ema, and my good friend Christy @ The New Mrs. Rue.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Keepin' it real
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Today's Holiday: Hug a Friend Day
Although you may not have known about it when you woke up, I think all of you should be able to celebrate this "holiday". (As a side note, I know it's proper American grammar to put the period on the inside of the quotation mark, but I think the British grammar rules for quotations marks are better. You'll just have to deal with it.) Celebrate today by hugging a friend--or multiple friends! Let me know if you are participating in a comment.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Today's Holiday: Kindergarten Day
Kindergarten Day is an honor to the man who created kindergarten. His name was Friedrich Froebel, and he was born in Germany on this day in 1782. You can celebrate Kindergarten Day by reminiscing about your days in kindergarten or digging up some pictures from your first year of school to share with family and friends.
Want to know more? Check this brief article on Froebel's idea.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Choices, Choices, Choices
Last week I read about Sarah's experience with buying glasses online. My mom and brother have both had success buying glasses online (not from this site though), and I've considered trying it. The part of Sarah's story that hooked me was the cost. She said she could buy an entire pair of glasses for $8. Yes, you read that correctly. Eight bucks includes the frame and lenses. THAT'S INCREDIBLE!!!! It just so happens that I had an eye doctor appointment today. My prescription hasn't changed, so the plan is to buy a second pair of glasses. Depending on the kind of frames I choose, they could be the "dressy" or more professional pair. Or they could be the "I'm starting a new fashion trend" pair. I haven't decided yet; maybe you can help me out.
So here are the options that made it into the final round. Please leave me a comment about which pair you think I should purchase. And please, check out the website for yourself:
Today's Holiday: Look Alike Day
Look Alike Day may be a national holiday here in the United States, but sadly few people truly celebrate this fun day. Spread the word and celebrate today's holiday by looking like someone else. You may choose to look like a celebrity, family member, historical figure, athlete, or coworker. If you do chose to participate, leave a comment to let me know!
Want to know more? Here's what I found on Google.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Today's Holiday: A New Blog Series
It appears as if my single purchase from Oriental Trading has landed me on their Most Valued Customer list. This showed up in my mailbox today.
It seems cheesy, but it really is a fantastic gift. I can save money when I purchase items I don't need, implement lesson plans I didn't have to create, and be inspired by the quotes they've included in the monthly calendar. The best part of the calendar, though, is seeing all the "fun holidays and events to share with the class" for each month. For example this week, I missed several spectacular holidays because I didn't know they existed! If I had only known, I would have celebrated them.
April 12- Look Up At The Sky Day
April 15-Rubber Eraser Day (and you thought it was tax day!)
April 16-National Stress Awareness Day
I just don't feel right about keeping this gift to myself, so I have decided to create a new blog series. I'll be sure to write a post about the fun holidays in my new calendar, so that you too can join in the celebration.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Sweet Library
I normally go to the library that is closest to my house. It happens to be the main library for my town, and I'm normally not disappointed by the selection they offer. However, my county has this awesome system of libraries that actually cooperate, so if I want to check out something at another library I can. (That did NOT happen where I grew up, so it's still a novelty to me.) Tonight I had to go to the main library in the connecting city. It was AH-MAY-ZING! Whereas my default library has some crotchety older ladies that I think should retire or stick to shelving books, the librarians at Library Awesome were all really friendly. They far exceeded my expectations. It was a pleasant surprise.
And the selection! The selection was ten times what I'm used to. I could have spent hours in just the young adult section and then several more hours in the magazines and then several more hours in the media area and still not get to the adult fiction area!
Check out was a breeze. Instead of dealing with a crotchety lady, I got to check myself out. I scanned my card and then all I had to do was put the book on the counter. The computer somehow knew which book it was without it being scanned. IT WAS AWESOME!! The best part? I found out if I check out items from Library Awesome, I can return them to my default library.
Thank you Library Awesome for changing my world!
Friday, April 10, 2009
In recent days I've been contemplating an opportunity to get involved in a new ministry in my town. I am really excited about the impact this project could have on the community I live in. My hope is that it will meet the needs of my students and their families. The concept of the project is something I would really like to be involved in at some point in my life. (But I kind of imagined it happening in another country.) The couple in charge of this new ministry has impressed me with their desire to be used by God and their passion for the people they want to serve. For the past couple of weeks, I have been weighing the advantages and disadvantages of joining this new ministry team.
- I would have fellowship with a small group again. (The team for this ministry would meet regularly for vision, prayer, and fellowship times.) And there's always the possibility that I could meet some single, godly men, my age.
- It would be very stretching for me, causing me to grow in many areas.
- I could possibly maintain a connection with the students at my church.
- It would be an adventure. My life needs a little excitement right about now.
- I would have to leave my current church, which isn't that scary. It just means I have to form new friendships in the new congregation I'd be connected to.
- I would be completely out of my comfort zone, making life very stressful for many months. Since my job is stressful, I'm not sure I want to make my church life stressful as well.
- There is the possibility that continuing to serve with my current youth group would not be possible. This is probably the biggest hang up for me.
- Most of the details for this project are up in the air and will remain that way for a long time. I am a planner. I like having a plan and sticking to it.
- I'm not convinced I have the skills set to be really useful in this endeavor.